Heather Simeney MacLeod is a citizen of the Métis Nation. She's published four collections of poetry-My Flesh the Sound of Rain (Coteau Books), The Burden of Snow(Turnstone Press), Intermission (J. Shillingford Press), The Little Yellow House (McGill). Heather's first poetry book, My Flesh the Sound of Rain was nominated for the First Nations Publishing Award. Smoking Lung Press published a chapbook, Shapes of Orion. Heather's poetry, short fiction, and essays have appeared in most major national literary journals as well as appearing in continental and international magazines. Heather's plays have received two honourable mentions in the Alaska Native's Playwright competition as well as in the publication Aboriginal Voices. Her creative nonfiction has been long-listed in CBC's literary competition on more than one occasion. She's lived throughout western and northern Canada, received her BA from the University of Victoria, her Master in Social Sciences from the University of Edinburgh, and her PhD in English and Film Studies from the University of Alberta. She works as an Assistant Teaching Professor and lives with her family in Kamloops, BC.