Serina Garland has been a writer since she was twelve years old. Now, after many years of raising a family, she has returned to her first love: writing books that help young women experience freedom and power in their lives. Deeply grounded in her faith, Serina's drive to write comes from a passionate desire for everyone to know the love and strength that hope can give them. She currently lives in Richmond, Virginia, where she writes books and poetry. Her favorite pastime of all is spending quality time with her three daughters and four beautiful grandchildren.Serina Garland has been a writer since she was twelve years old. Now, after many years of raising a family, she has returned to her first love: writing books that help young women experience freedom and power in their lives. Deeply grounded in her faith, Serina's drive to write comes from a passionate desire for everyone to know the love and strength that hope can give them. She currently lives in Richmond, Virginia, where she writes books and poetry. Her favorite pastime of all is spending quality time with her three daughters and four beautiful grandchildren.