14 books • 3 series
The Mountain Man
The Symbicate 4 - The Bounty Wars
Whacky, Whimsical & Dark
Grim, Ghastly & Gripping
Angel Machine In The Deep (The Science Myth Saga, #3)
Solar Rain
The Weight Of Joy (The Whim-Dark Tales, #3)
The Daughter Of Darkness - Book 2 of the Whim-Dark Tales (The Whim-Dark Tales, #2)
Necromancing The Rose - Book 1 of the Whim-Dark Tales (The Whim-Dark Tales, #1)
The Symbicate 3 - The Beast In The Void
Dragon Roost On The Orbital Spire (The Science Myth Saga, #2)
Werewolves In Space (The Science Myth Saga, #1)
The Symbicate 2 - Attack Of The Light Wizards (The Symbicate, #2)
The Symbicate