D.B. Sousa is the writing team of Dominique, Bianca, and Mr. Nobody.Dominique is currently living in Utah, USA with her husband and 3 of her 4 sons. Born and raised in Canada, Dominique loves her family, her 2 cats Nacho & Osgood, and the colour pink. Dominique has had a lifelong love of writing, but never dreamed she would share her writing with anyone.Bianca lives in BC, Canada with her Fianc�e, 2 children (Boy & Girl), and 2 dogs, Harley & Bella. Bianca has always dreamed of being a published writer and has been writing fiction since she was a child.Together, D & B are cousins, proud of their family heritage from the A�orean Islands of Portugal. Though they live far apart, these two women are more like sisters than cousins, spending every summer of childhood together, they are like two peas in a pod. While the threat that she might one day grow up to be like her older cousin had always been hung over Bianca's head, to the two young women, it was always more of an ideal, or a promise than a threat.Writing together has only brought these two women closer, despite the physical distance. Writing brings joy to the lives of both women and sharing it with the world is a dream come true.As for Mr. Nobody, well... maybe one day you'll learn more ����