Award-winning author Miriam Allenson writes about smart-mouthed women and the men who love them. (She's been told she's a little smart-mouthed herself.)

Miriam took a dog's age and then some to publish her first book, FOR THE LOVE OF THE DAME. She cut the time it took her to write her next book, A DUKE FOR DESSERT, in half and she reduced it by half again in writing WHEN THE DUKE FINDS HIS HEART. She apologizes for being so slow.

When Miriam is not working on a book-which is almost never--she's in the kitchen baking something, gardening on her "huge" 8'x4' deck, or adding one more character to her 400+ Pez collection. She likes licorice but not chocolate, polenta more than pizza, and baseball any day over football.

Miriam lives in northern New Jersey with her fabulous, supportive husband, Andy. One day they're going to take a cruise around the world. She'll still take her laptop with her.

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