Stefano Antonelli curated Europe’s first major Banksy exhibition at the Fondazione Roma Museo. He also collaborates with institutions such as Luiss Guido Carli, La Sapienza, Museum of Contemporary Art in Rome (MACRO), and PAC in Milan. Gianluca Marziani is a curator of contemporary art shows that have appeared at the Festival dei Due Mondi di Spoleto, the Palazzo Collicola Arti Visive, and the 2011 Venice Biennale. Augusto Agosto Tota is an Italian producer best known for documentary films about Italian painter Antonio Ligabue. He is the founding president of the Fondazione Antonio Ligabue in Parma. Vittorio Sgarbi is an art critic and one of Italy’s most important public intellectuals. He is a well-known art collector and the author of many critically acclaimed volumes about art and culture.