29 books • 6 series
Jewelry (Crafting with Style!)
Fashion (Crafting with Style!)
Hairstyles (Crafting with Style!)
Saw-Whet Owls (Who's Hoo? Owls!)
Screech Owls (Who's Hoo? Owls!)
Snowy Owls (Who's Hoo? Owls!)
Barred Owls (Who's Hoo? Owls!)
Archery (Sports Fun!)
Tennis (Sports Fun!)
Volleyball (Sports Fun!)
Great Gray Owls (Who's Hoo? Owls!)
Great Horned Owls (Who's Hoo? Owls!)
Burrowing Owls (Who's Hoo? Owls!)
Baby Rhinos (Too Cute!)
The Dominican Republic (Countries of the World (Gareth Stevens))
Baby Goats (Too Cute!)
Guatemala (Countries of the World (Gareth Stevens))
Israel (Countries of the World (Gareth Stevens))
Baby Hippos (Too Cute!)
Germany (Countries of the World (Gareth Stevens))
Swallows (Backyard Birds)
Crows (Backyard Birds)
Bluebirds (Backyard Birds)
Blackbirds (Backyard Birds)