Jane Iery writes from Michigan, where she lives with her husband, Dan. She is a mother of five and grandmother of eleven. Former Marquette County Habitat for Humanity Volunteer Coordinator, Jane currently enjoys her part-time retirement. She actively wears many hats in her church's ministries: Deaconess, Adult Sabbath School Teacher, Women's Ministry Leader, Sabbath School Superintendent Co-leader, Program Coordinator for School Bible Labs, a substitute Primary Sabbath School Teacher, and Chorister. In the summer of 2019, Jane was invited to give her testimony at Michigan's Summer Camp Meeting at Great Lakes Adventist Academy-live-streamed to 130 other locations and countries. This event precipitated an invitation to have a small part of her story published in the online Adventist magazine, Fulcrum7, titled Born in Babylon. Jane actively shares her testimony anywhere God opens the door.
Mar 21, 2022
Cover of Born in Babylon

Born in Babylon