Jane Iery writes from Michigan, where she lives with her husband, Dan. She is a mother of five and grandmother of eleven. Former Marquette County Habitat for Humanity Volunteer Coordinator, Jane currently enjoys her part-time retirement. She actively wears many hats in her church's ministries: Deaconess, Adult Sabbath School Teacher, Women's Ministry Leader, Sabbath School Superintendent Co-leader, Program Coordinator for School Bible Labs, a substitute Primary Sabbath School Teacher, and Chorister. In the summer of 2019, Jane was invited to give her testimony at Michigan's Summer Camp Meeting at Great Lakes Adventist Academy-live-streamed to 130 other locations and countries. This event precipitated an invitation to have a small part of her story published in the online Adventist magazine, Fulcrum7, titled Born in Babylon. Jane actively shares her testimony anywhere God opens the door.