Jimmy Rollins is the former lead pastor of i5 City Church just outside of Baltimore, Maryland. A revelatory preacher, visionary leader, and generous pastor, Jimmy's entire ministry is fueled by Jesus' command to serve the least of these. He and his wife, Irene, founded i5 City Church on that premise and mission, and together they have built an influential church known for local outreach and global impact.
Jimmy also serves as an overseer for a variety of churches throughout the country, and in his position as a strategic partner of the Association of Related Churches (ARC), he has had many opportunities to teach countless churches and church leadership teams all over the world.
Jimmy is also a champion for the marginalized in society, and through his work in the area of racial reconciliation, Jimmy has mediated many conversations promoting awareness, healing, and unity. On June 7, 2020, Pastor Jimmy led over 2,000 community members in a Walk for Justice, a peaceful demonstration promoting justice and racial equality. This event at the City Dock of Annapolis brought together people of all colors and faiths, as well as police officers and government officials, in an effort to speak out against racism in America.
Jimmy and Irene have been married for more than twenty years, and, although they have walked through extremely difficult seasons, they can testify to God's transformative healing power in bringing them to a place of mutual health and joy. Together they lead a vibrant church and parent their three wonderful "almost-grown" children, Kayla, Jaden, and Maya.