Mahalene Louis is an uncanny artist and linguist. She taught herself to read and write as a 3-year-old. Her rare gift in languages gave her purpose, but it also split her from the world. It was heartbreaking to be at once tangibly approached by the divine, and reluctant to accept a call that meant being alone for the rest of her life.Time passed. She changed continents, learned English, and continued painting and writing. Books followed books. A pivotal moment occurred as she heard the talk of a Rinpoche. If I followed the Buddhist way, I would feel like I'm betraying my own heritage. The Teacher of Truth replied: then it becomes your work to bring health to your tradition. These words acted as a powerful reminder of the calling she heard as a child, and answer the following ad: WANTED: a symbologist to decode the soul of the Torah (the Five Books of Moses in their original version), and reveal that Hebrew is a metalanguage - a language beyond all languages - vibrating as the frequency of enough. Your job is to plunge into the darkness in order to reveal the light of a path that restores health in ALL levels of communication.JOB REQUIREMENTS: you are a child at heART, but also resilient enough to withstand great depths of ecstasy and agony until you can transmute these feelings into the wisdom of practicality. You are willing to see your ambitions tamed by dismal failure until you know it's not about you. You are encrypted with a matrilinear Jewish DNA directly linked to Africa, the cradle of civilization, passionate about languages and well-traveled. You must be so seriously disembodied that your life will depend on your finding an authentic healing device.These Powers; she had. What she didn't have was a choice.In times of great resistance, the universe would send angels to help her ground this mission impossible. Michael Wolf may just be the greatest angel. Just like her, he made it his work to evolve his heritage (Christianity) to a holistic level.