Sam Forsythe is a doctoral researcher in international security at the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt, and a member of the working group for "Research in Emerging Technologies, Order and Stability" (rETOS). His work examines the logic and ethics of deception in the discourse and practice of strategy, intelligence and information warfare, and attempts to critically reconstruct the adversarial rationalities emerging in contemporary stratagem and statecraft. Outside of his research work Sam has written on artifice, cunning, trickery and technics for artists' exhibitions and catalogues, and short stories for speculative and science fiction publications.
Angus Carlyle is Professor of Sound and Landscape at University of the Arts London. He studied law as an undergraduate, completed a masters in political theory, and a doctorate on the conditions of vocalised political exchange. With Cathy Lane, he co-wrote the oral histories In the Field (2013) and Sound Arts Now (2021). His creative work shifts between a documentary impulse and a more poetic register, and has involved collaborations with anthropologists, and filmmakers in documentary, field recording, and experimental writing projects.