Betsy holds a doctorate degree in anthropology and has held senior executive management positions in pharmaceutical and biotech companies. She was inspired to write her own medical thriller, THE GOLDILOCKS GENOME (2023), by Eunice. She is finalizing a memoir, HEPATITIS Beach (2023/2025), about her adventures as a biomedical anthropologist living on a remote island in Melanesia where she studied the epidemiology of hepatitis B virus and how this sojourn affected her life and career. Betsy treasured and guarded the draft of A VACATION TO DIE FOR which she was given when Eunice died. In 2017 she discovered three boxes containing DUNE HOUSE, SLAY BELLS AND ONE PAW WAS RED. Eunice was an important person in her life and she is proud that she is able to share Eunice's intelligent, cleverly constructed murder mysteries from the Golden Age.