26 books
Chapters From Parkman's Works [microform]
The American Revolution; 2
Myths and Myth-makers
The Miscellaneous Writings; 1
The Dutch and Quaker Colonies in America; Volume 1
The Mississippi Valley in the Civil War
Old Virginia and Her Neighbours; Volume 1
The Song of the Ancient People
New France and New England
Washington and His Country, Being Life of Washington;
The War of Independence
A History of the United States for Schools
Essays, Historical and Literary; Volume 1
The Idea of God as Affected by Modern Knowledge
How the United States Became a Nation
The Critical Period of American History
The Destiny of Man, Viewed in the Light of His Origin
Edward Livingston Youmans, Interpreter of Science for the People; A Sketch of His Life, with Selections from His Published Writings and Extracts from His Correspondence with Spencer, Huxley, Tyndall and Others
The Critical Period of American History, 1783-1789
Civil Government in the United States
The American Revolution; V.1
The American Revolution; Volume 2
The American Revolution; Volume 02
The American Revolution; Volume 01