17 books
Miscellanies. Selected and Edited, With an Introductory Memoir
Studies of the Greek Poets; Volume 1
The Life of Michelangelo Buonarroti, Based on Studies in the Archives of the Buonarroti Family at Florence; Volume 2
Wine, Women, and Song; Mediaeval Latin Students' Songs, Now First Tr. Into English Verse
John Addington Symonds, a Biography
John Addington Symonds; A Biography; Volume 1
The Memoirs of Count Carlo Gozzi;; Volume 1
John Addington Symonds; A Biography. Compiled from His Papers and Correspondence
Thomas Heywood
Sketches and Studies in Italy and Greece
Wine, Women, and Song; Mediaeval Latin Students' Songs Now First Translated Into English Verse with an Essay
An Introduction to the Study of Dante
Christopher Marlowe. Edited by Havelock Ellis, with a General Introd. on the English Drama During the Reigns of Elizabeth and James I.
Blank Verse
Renaissance in Italy
Ben Jonson