12 books
The Troublesome Raigne and Lamentable Death of Edvvard the Second, King of England
Christopher Marlowe
The Famous Tragedy of the Rich Iew of Malta as It Was Playd Before the King and Queene, in His Majesties Theatre at White-Hall, by Her Majesties Servants at the Cock-pit Written by Christopher Marlo.
The Dramatic Works of Christopher Marlowe
The Tragedy of Dido, Queen of Carthage
The Poems of Robert Greene, Christopher Marlowe, and Ben Jonson
The Works of Christopher Marlowe
Marlowe's Edward II
Works; With Some Account of the Author, and Notes
The Works of Christopher Marlowe, with Notes and Some Account of His Life and Writings
Christopher Marlowe. Edited by Havelock Ellis, with a General Introd. on the English Drama During the Reigns of Elizabeth and James I.
Edward the Second; A Play. Edited with a Pref., Notes and Glossary by A.W. Verity