I have been writing creatively since I was a teenager, always wanting to be a novelist. I attended San Diego State University with a major in Comparative Literature. My penchant for poetry segued into becoming a lyricist and singer in a musical project, which is how I met my husband. Together we formed the band, Saratoga Park, and recorded a couple CD's. Music is in my blood, as both my parents are musicians and singer/songwriters.After raising two boys, while working long hard hours for years outside the home, and trying to balance it all without losing my mind, I was able to get out of the rat race and work from home.For the last decade I have also been knee deep in genealogical research. At first it was just due to curiosity of my father's family, but then it became a calling after my maternal grandmother passed. It was because of this passionate endeavor that I discovered a family trauma that really touched me.This is what inspired me to write the novel "Under the Tracks".By coming full circle in my life, I have found the path back to my attic of imagination and can, at last, let loose my hibernating creative creatures into the world.