Never interested in learning Persian, Mona Kiani was a Farsi School dropout. Resisting the persistent nag of her Persian parents, she evaded learning Persian despite her parents insistence. Fast forward a two decades. She's pregnant with her son. Realising she cant read and write Persian! She searches the recesses of the internet looking to find bilingual resources to help facilitate her sons learning. Her search was in vain. NOTHING. Englisi Farsi was born out of necessity. An Iranian Australian mother set on embracing her rich Persian heritage. Created with love for the Iranian diaspora; these books are designed to make learning Persian fun, interactive and relevant for the needs of mixed Iranian families today. Covering a wide variety of topics, they are an ideal platform to engage & inspire young minds. To nurture bilingual language development with a little [Kúchúlú] help from the English alphabet. Persian. Pass it on.