Born and bred on an island state, I write about the land, sea, sky and people. I'm fascinated by the human condition, crazy on anything that floats or flies, and passionate about the beauty and value of true wilderness.I'm into writing character-based dramas, thrillers with depth, and stories that dig deep into what it means to be human. I enjoy a meaty theme or two, and I subtly weave contemporary issues into my books when it suits. When I'm not writing, I earn a living as an education consultant, specialist in the aviation industry, and aerial and landscape photographer. In previous lives I've been a manager in the public sector and an educational leader in the university sector.In my spare time I'm a keen sailor and I take to the sky in aircraft whenever I can. I obtained my pilot licence at age seventeen, and later celebrated my forties by building a full-size 737 flight simulator in my garage.I live in Tasmania, Australia with my wife, and extended family.See my author website at https: //