Linda Watt was born in 1959 in Queensland, Australia, and was raised on her parents' poultry farm. She has diplomas in Christian Ministry and Counselling. A fair chunk of Linda's teenage years involved riding horses, and at 43 she joined up with a cattle mustering team in rural Queensland. On her first muster, she was asked to 'tail up' the cattle but had no clue what that meant. Over the 12 remarkable years that followed, seasoned drovers passed down their knowledge and skills, teaching Linda how to read, work, brand and cut cattle - and how to cooee really loud! Linda worked with a team of ringers, a string of horses and working dogs who all gave 110% effort. They battled floods, droughts, injuries and stock losses, and celebrated successful musters in unforgettable country. Life on the land has more corrugations than a water tank, but for those who love the country, it is full of rewards. Inspired by Christian bushies who lived 'rubber meets the road' faith, Linda wrote the first edition of Abundance in the Bush in 2010. An appreciative farmer said, You have certainly succeeded in connecting what is, for us, the real Australia and our daily walk as Christians. Revised and expanded, this edition includes 52 devotions to offer more encouragement and hope for those who love life on the land.