Louise Anlyan Harris and husband Michael met while working in the cable television industry in California in the 1980's. Michael had four sons and when he and Louise married, they knew they wanted to adopt daughters to round out their family. Michael was a cable television engineering pioneer and Louise initially worked as proposal writer/coordinator for the Los Angeles cable franchises and later in a national role in the company's customer service and as communications director in the corporate offices in Connecticut. Their oldest daughter was adopted in California and when the time came to adopt a second daughter, they decided to go international. At the time, children from Russia, Latin America and South America were widely known to be in need of families. Michael and Louise chose to go to Brazil while working with a U.S. based adoption agency. After moving to Westchester County, NY and when their youngest daughter was a toddler, Louise wrote and roughly sketched a book of the international adoption experience, which quickly became a favorite family bedtime story. "I Am A Brazilian Princess" is the result of a promise to one-day get the story properly illustrated and published. When the children became teens, Louise returned to school to get her master's in health advocacy at Sarah Lawrence College, in large part because of her experience with her two children who had special needs. Michael developed leukemia and subsequently passed away while the girls were finishing high school and Louise began her career as a grant writer for non-profit organizations supporting children and adults with medical and financial needs. Louise and her partner, Ramsey, live in northern New Jersey with both daughters nearby. They all spend as much time as possible with their pets, friends and family at their summer home in Montauk, NY.