I have been retired since May, 2019. I spent my career in the Printing Industry, the last part of which I worked in Professional Services as a Program Manager/Programmer. I worked for several OEM manufacturers in that capacity (Creo Products, Eastman Kodak, contract with HP, Inc. through KForce). As a layperson, I began the discipline of reading the Bible regularly in early 1980 and have read it all of the way through pretty much every year since then. In early 2012, I began reading the Hebrew first in my daily reading. I wanted to know what the words meant from the Hebrew, not just in the translations I was accustomed to. Thus, I began looking words up in various Hebrew Dictionaries, settling upon Ernest Klein's A Comprehensive Etymological Dictionary of the Hebrew Language for Readers of English as my primary reference. In 2019, I programmatically wrote, in the C++ programming language, the code to convert the Unicode, Multi-wide font encoded Hebrew source from the Westminster Leningrad Codex to a Web-based Hebrew font encoding (in programming terms, it was like 'trying to herd cats!'). From that converted encoding, I then set up my online Hebrew-English Tanakh, placing the Hebrew Scriptures side-by-side a modified JPS 1917 English translation. I put that completed Hebrew-English Tanakh on my website, https: //the-iconoclast.org, by September 2019 (having had the base web-pages earlier that summer). During the course of updating my website I decided I wanted to put a page together discussing the Ten Commandments. It was in that process that I discovered the uniqueness of the Leningrad Codex in its verse separations which I also found had not been adhered to by any other publication, particularly those which had claimed the Leningrad Codex as their source for the Hebrew Language based Jewish Scriptures! It was from that effort which led me to decide to write the book, The Real God Code: The Ten Commandments In The Leningrad Codex!
Jun 25, 2021
Cover of The Real God Code

The Real God Code