The Focus Journal has been created by the founder of Focus Energy Hub - Daria Andrievskaya. She is a manager, a professional educator, a business owner and qualified wellbeing professional. She has combined knowledge of task prioritising, stress management and a need to enjoy life into the structured guidelines - this journal. A note from Daria: My days are always full of action - students, events, business projects. Career progression and personal development are essential parts of my life. I as well don't like to sit still outside of work. I love scuba diving, hiking, sailing and spending time with loved ones. It can be really stressful to manage so many goals and to-dos. I have studied multiple tools of wellbeing leadership, management, prioritising, time management, goal setting, focus development and stress. In this journal, I have combined the most effective planning tools for you so you can focus on living a happy and fulfilling life. P.S. Special Thank You to Alyssa Michel who always supports my endless list of ideas and adventures.