Hello! My name is Carlos and I'm a writer based in Glasgow, Scotland. Originally born in Galicia, Spain (the rainy, cold part of the country that no one knows of), I moved to Scotland purely out of love for the country. For as long as I can remember, I've spent my days writing all sorts of stories, inventing characters and adventures in different fictional worlds, creating board games and tabletop role-playing games..... silly stuff, basically. I've held aaaaall kinds of jobs: from blacksmith to journalist, from pub crawl guide to 3D designer, from waiter to executive developer for a communications brand... And guess what, all of that was great, but none of these jobs made me feel at home with myself. What has been the one constant in your life? What is it that you have always been doing since the day you could hold a pen? These are the questions I asked myself right before I decided to try and make a living out of writing fiction. And well, here I am. Oh, also, for some reason, my handwriting hasn't changed a bit since I was ten. Used to hate it, now I just pretend I don't. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for taking the time to read my bio.
Aug 13, 2021
Cover of El Primer Aullido

El Primer Aullido

May 14, 2021
Cover of The First Howl

The First Howl