Pamela's introduction into writing began in high school when the English class was challenged to write a biography about a member of their class. Class members were asked to call them up and interview them over the phone and collect interesting details about their childhood, hobbies, etc. A week after the biographies were turned in, the teacher announced that she was impressed with many of the biographies but one stood out as the best example of capturing the personality of her subject and also utilizing her apparently natural skills as an interviewer. Her teacher informed her she should consider using her writing skills in the future. As the years followed, Pamela would find many opportunities to use her writing skills; namely; poetry, skits, newsletters, roadshows and writing new lyrics for existing music for plays and talent shows. She also interviewed interesting people in her Memphis, Tennessee community that were published in local newspapers. She currently lives in the St. George, Utah area. She is the widow of Kenneth M. Wilkinson, mother of three and grandmother of seven.