Sarah B. Hervey as a daughter of an Ayurvedic Doctor, believes for every hair problem there is a natural solution. She has had her fair share of hair problems that she treated with natural remedies especially when she was particularly stressed in her life. She is dedicated to taking care of her family, while growing her business with her sister in Texas, in San Antonio. Now she lives a fulfilling life and loves to write and focuses on solutions of everyday life, that help others while they are busy accomplishing their goals and dreams. She has made self development a habit, so as a yurvedic businesswoman she is the perfect guide that she can share her insights with the world in a concise and helpful way. Sarah was born in 1979 and has earned degrees in Business. She is a very successful entrepreneur who travels a lot and she has passion for Natural Food, Nutrition, and self wellness. Sarah loves her family, Nature and she runs every day. She is dedicated to the practice of yoga and feels that meditation is important to both success and happiness. She has spent much of her life rediscovering and implementing health, nutrition and self-help strategies.