Isabelle Boccon-Gibod began making use of photography when she lived in England, and has largely devoted herself to it since her return to Paris in 2004.
She has taught History of Photography at the Paris College of Arts. A graduate of the Ecole Centrale School of Engineering and a former student at Columbia University, after a brilliant career in the paper industry, she now serves as non-executive director on the boards of six French industrial companies. In addition, she has made a career as an author in France : she has published Fors intérieurs, rendez-vous avec des mathématiciens (Leo Scheer, 2011), which received a special mention from the d’Alembert Prize (2012) and Entre leurs mains, enquête sur l’exercice du pouvoir (Plein jour, 2014).
Structure is her second book of
photographs, after Sous les ponts, Paris,
published in 2014 by Editions Verlhac. She has shown her photographs and videos in Paris, Brussels and Haifa.
Jun 5, 2021
Cover of Structure
