Jessica Leigh Clark-Bojin, aka "Queen of Pie Art" and known as ThePieous on Instagram, creates "epic pie content" for film, TV, digital, and print. From live appearance demos, hosting, and judging to time-lapse videos, blog posts, and photo features, her work captures viewers' attention and delights audiences across multiple demographics. Jessica's Pie Art tutorials have been viewed more than 100 million times online and she has appeared as a Pie Judge on the Food Network, the Today Show, and in countless magazines, newspapers, and online publications. She is widely recognized as the global authority on "Pie Art" and is responsible for the trending "Piescraper" movement. Her mission is to show the world that not only can pies go head-to-head against the poshest wedding cakes and fancy-pants desserts on the most discerning buffet tables of the world, but that they can be fun and easy to make too! She lives in Vancouver.
Oct 19, 2021
Cover of Pies Are Awesome

Pies Are Awesome