44 books • 8 series
Die Schule des Hyänen
The SIM Agents (Futuristic Dystopian war) (The Resurgence, #4)
Die Rache des Niccolò Carta (Ein Agent Null Spionage-Thriller) (Die Wiederkehr, #3)
Who Did Niccolò Carta Kill? (Action-Packed Military Fiction with Romance and Suspense)
Niccolò Carta's Revenge (Action-Packed Military Fiction with Romance and Suspense)
Die SIM-Agenten
Los Agentes del SIM (La Resurgencia, #1)
Dash Valentine
The Battle for Freedom
The Journalist (The Game of the Journalist, #2)
El Periodista (El Juego del Periodista, #1)
La Batalla de los 7 Mares
La Batalla Final
La Batalla de los Cielos
Gabriele Carta
The Grand Admiral
Vito Carta
Damiano Carta
The Battle of London
La Hiena de la Escuela
Niccolò Carta
La vendetta di Niccolo Carta (Niccolo Carta Libri, #2)