For more than 30 years Dr John Gardiner-Garden has studied, researched, performed, taught, played for and led more than 500 years of dance styles. He is an internationally recognised authority on historical dance, is the founding director of the Earthly Delights Historic Dance Academy and has many times toured in North America, Europe and Australia. He has taught thousands of historical dance classes, choreographed and directed hundreds of displays and shows, led hundreds of balls and at dozens of conferences and festivals. He has researched, written and published dozens of books on historical dance, including 31 books in the Dancing through the Ages series (released in 2020 after 20 years labour). He is also an award-winning composer of hundreds of dances (some now danced worldwide) and hundreds of tunes (4 used in a film). His original dance collections include The Lost Dances of Earthly Delights, Vol. 1: Pleasures for Four Seasons, and Vol. 2: Favourites for Four Settings (first published in 2000 and 2005 respectively), The Christmas Carol Dance Book, (2002, 2nd edition 2020) and this Dance Delights. The Lost Dances are set to his own musical compositions and accompanied by 8 full-length full-band CDs.