Ernest D.W was born in Detroit in 1985. His life had always been very complicated, but everything became more difficult since Ernest decided to leave school to join the army; at least his family didn't have to support him. Once he finished what for him was a living hell, Ernest began to work all kinds of odd jobs in different cities, from restaurant stoves to mason suits, to scrape up some money to survive. With heaps of blood, sweat and tears, Ernest started multiple businesses. He used every penny he earned throughout his life to further his vision. He founded the first company in 2008, after studying various subjects at a college in Southern New York. From there, he set a goal for himself to achieve throughout his life. He decided that his life would revolve around helping as many people as possible with their daily struggles. Ernest began writing books with other authors about all that he had learned in the 13 years since leaving the military. Today, more than 500 people rely completely on his teachings to find their way in areas ranging from cooking over DIY up to business.