Gideon Burrows is a writer and independent publisher, a cycling fanatic, bike mechanic and brain tumour patient. Somehow he manages to write about all of these things, and occasionally weave them all together, into books that routinely receive great plaudits from reviewers. His first full length novel, Portico, is a thrilling page turner which will challenge how you think about the future, and what you might need to sacrifice to get there. Gideon has spent his life writing, starting off as a journalist on social care, then becoming a copywriter for charities. Turning to books, he was author of two books on writing and marketing in the charity sector. In 2012, Gideon was diagnosed with a life limiting brain tumour. His response? To write about it. The result were three patient centred books about living with a brain tumour: Living Low Grade, Glioblastoma and This Book Won't Cure Your Cancer. On the way, he's also written a Amazon category topping book about men and childcare, Men Can Do It, which won writing magazine's Self Published Book of the Year 2017, and a humourous travelogue about the wacky world of chilli growing and eating across the UK, Chilli Britain. He has appeared on BBC breakfast TV, BBC Radio 4, and local radio stations, to talk about his books. They have also been featured in The Independent, The Guardian, The Times and many more media outlets. Gideon is a fierce advocate of independent publishing.