Vivek Jaglan is working as a professor and director at Amity School of Engineering and Technology, Amity University, Gwalior, India. He has nearly 19 years of teaching and research experience. His current research areas cover artificial intelligence, neural networks, fuzzy logic, and IoTs. He has presented and published 80+ papers in journals and conferences. He holds a doctorate degree from the Computer Science and Engineering Department, SGV University, Jaipur, India. He has supervised 7 PhD students, 11 masters' students completion and is currently supervising four PhD students. He has two design patents (India), one of the patents "Tooth Brush With Digital Display" design patent, which includes unique features that allow the brush to dispense only the required amount of toothpaste recommended by the dentist and verify that the user has properly brushed their teeth. He has been invited as an expert in the field of artificial intelligence and its approach on multiple occasions.