Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler Zweites Buch by Adolf Hitler The National Socialist Primer - Official Handbook of The Hitler Youth The Secret King: The Myth and Reality of Nazi Occultism - Michael Moynihan and Stephen Flowers On the origin of species by Charles Darwin The International Jew - Henry Ford Culture of Critique - Kevin MacDonald Voice of our Ancestors - Heinrich Himmler Writings, Books, and Videos - Dr. William Luther Pierce Nazi Sozi Questions and Answers for National-Socialists - Dr. Joseph Goebbels The Greatest Story Never Told, The untold story of Adolf Hitler - TruthWillOutFilms Europa The Last Battle - Tobias. B Communism by the Back Door, - TruthWillOutFilms Battersby, J. L. (1952). The Holy Book of Adolf Hitler. Southport, England: German World Church in Europe. SS-Handblätter: für Den Weltanschaulichen Unterricht. Der Reichsführer-SS, 1941. Communist Manifesto 1984 - Goerge Orwell