The author is a journalist having spent over 35 years covering secret societies and conspiracy theory groups the world over. He wants to share with you information that is most trusted. He is especially an expert in all established and emerging groups and what is their impact on our world. He attends their gatherings when he can. He travels to where they hold their meetings, researches every bit of information they have available, and has access to multiple insider sources. He is a forward-thinker and knows information before it becomes news. In his latest book on Qanon, he shares breakthrough insights on various aspects of how they operate and view the world around them. Theirs is a mysterious world filled with unusual ways of gathering facts, establishing connections between world events, and deriving esoteric meanings from these findings. The author has decided to remain anonymous and make all of his research available to the general public while protecting his identity and that of his sources. His books are favored by readers and contain up-to-date information.