Credit repair hasn't always been a job for me. In the beginning, it was an urgency. Hi, my name is Brandon Oleson, and in August 2016, I went through a dark chapter of my life. I exceeded the credit card usage of a well-known bank in some countries. I hid my credit history by paying the minimum amount, every month, because at that time if I had paid off my debt in full, I wouldn't have been able to afford food, housing, or services. Anyway, in December of that year, my consulting ended, but I was still paying the minimum of that debt, and at the beginning of 2017, I was already stuck with the debt. I felt guilty and ashamed to ask for help. I couldn't even imagine paying any more money to hire a credit consultant. Finally, a friend saved me and paid what I owed to the bank. I paid her back as soon as I was able to do it, but at that moment, I decided that I had to do something to prevent such a thing from happening again. I began to read up on how to manage my finances and to apply every strategy with great care. Some things worked, others much less, but at the end of 2018, after a lot of research and trying, I completely came out of it, becoming a better man. It could have ended there, but a friend, who had seen my remarkable progress, asked me to help him too. Then another came, and then another, and so on. The more I helped them, the deeper I went into the matter. At one point, I thought that it could become a job, and so I got in touch with a firm of credit consultants. At first, I liked that job, I did it well, and I felt satisfied. But one day, after about 14 months of working there, I realized that doing the credit consultant sometimes meant earning money on the skin of people in serious difficulty, like I was, just a few years before. We charged monthly fees, so helping the client too quickly was not in our interest. I understood the reasons for my company: it's a business. But this was against my ethics. I knew that most of my clients could have solved their credit problems on their own, if only they had the right information, and that they didn't need to go further into debt to pay my fee. So, I decided to quit my job and write a series of books so that everything I learned was available to anyone at an affordable price. It consists of two books: - the first provides an overview of the tools available to raise your credit score quickly - the second delves into the credit repair strategy based on the loophole in Section 609. Everything is dealt with in simple and informal language as if it were a friendly chat with your neighbor. Are they the best possible books on the subject? This is not for me to say. What is certain though, is this series is NOT just a way to sell you a consultation. I quit that job. All I have to tell you is in these two books, and the information they report got me and at least 42 other people out of trouble. Some still thank me today. So I firmly believe it will work for you too. If you implement everything with perseverance, you will move on to a completely new chapter of your life, where the anxiety and loneliness for your unstable finances will be just a bad memory. Just like it is for me.