About Tina Farmer Around 10 years ago I decided to give up everything and move to Portland to cultivate my passion for nature. I had two precise goals, not relying anymore on supermarkets to feed myself and in the meantime just eat healthy food to stay in shape. I was a simple housewife but always been curious about everything that implies a personal growth, so I started studying books on books concerning innovative cultivation systems especially the easiest ones to make. I started experimenting my first steps on Hydroponic Cultivation and Bed Raising Garden putting everything I was studying into practice. I found myself amazed in seeing that in everything I was reading and putting into practice, I was obtaining results, I'll never forget the joy I had when picking up my first tomato. I smelled it and I felt the perfume of the ground and I understood that I made it, that I reached my dream! Pushed by my friends and neighbours to whose I give daily advices on how to cultivate fruit and vegetables in their own house garden, I have condensed all my knowledge inside the book Pacific Northwest Month-by-Month Gardening. I have other books in the making concerning further techniques and deepening. Little by little they will be published too.