JEAN-FRANÇOIS PINSONNAULT lives in Maxville, Ontario. He is an Organizational Development practitioner, consultant, mediator, and coach with 45+ years of experience. He develops and delivers courses in conflict resolution, communication, customer service, process improvement, and leadership/management skills.

A senior himself, he has come to terms with the challenges of ageing. In 2017, Jean-Francois published a memoir about their 14-year journey together. Lasting Touch - A Mother and Son's Journey of Joy, Challenges, Sadness, and Discovery covers the emotional, psychological, and physical lessons he learned during the most beautiful and cherished years of his life.

As a Senior Home Safety Specialist-certified by Age Safe Canada-Jean-Francois empowers seniors and their families with actionable ideas and tips. Upon request, he can perform a home safety assessment to identify dangerous hazards that put seniors' health and safety at risk and suggests viable solutions.