Terence Sloan is a software development group manager at EPCC, the High Performance Computing Centre at the University of Edinburgh. He has more than 25 years of experience in managing and participating in data science and HPC projects with Scottish SMEs, UK corporations, and European and global collaborations.
Terry, was the co-principal investigator on the Wellcome Trust (Award no. 086696/Z/08/Z), the BBSRC (Award no. BB/J019283/1), and the three EPSRC-distributed computational science awards that have helped develop the SPRINT package for R. He has also held awards from the ESRC (Award nos. RES-189-25-0066, RES-149-25-0005) that investigated the use of operational big data for customer behavior analysis.
Terry is a coordinator for the Data Analytics with HPC, Project Preparation, and Dissertation courses on the University of Edinburgh's MSc programme, in HPC with Data Science.
He also plays the drums.