Pier Ugo Foscolo became Professor of Chemical Reaction Engineering at the Department of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Materials of University of L'Aquila, Italy, in 1989, after being Associate Professor at the same institution, Research Associate and Research Fellow at University College London, United Kingdom. Since then, he has coordinated a number of research projects, both in Italy and across Europe, and has been a member of the scientific committee of several international conferences. He is also a member of the Working Party on Chemical Reaction Engineering of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering, regular reviewer for a number of international journals, including the International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, AIChE Journal, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research and Chemical Engineering Science. Professor Foscolo has authored more than one hundred articles in scientific journals and conference proceedings, as well as six patents dealing with catalytic clean-up of biomass gas and gasifier configuration, and been appointed by the European Commission to review research proposals in the field of biomass for energy. His research intersts are biomass gasification, fuel gas cleaning and conditioning, and fluidized bed reactors.