Richard Riley Bushnell is a native of Utah. He has written several trade journal articles over the years of his professional career as a Supply Chain Consultant and now that he has recently retired he has written several novels and short stories.He was born of goodly parents and he didn't take any of their advice. He had to find out about life the hard way. Not liking church, authority figures, school teachers or bosses. Struggling with living in society and not conforming and never really crossing the line too far, he somehow emerges as a fascinating writer that covers a vast array of life's challenges, dreams and realities. Having overcome alcoholism, clinical depression, two failed marriages and the hard knocks of life he is able to write with deep insight and passion for the human condition. He looks up at the open sky at night and wonders what is going on out there.He is happily married with 7 kids and 23 grand kids. He has experienced much in his short life and still has most of his sanity. He will be a menace to society for some time and will likely be quoted for good and bad throughout the galaxy. If you run into him, apologize and keep going.