Ms. Lucka and her husband, Tom, live in Southern California and have been married for over 40 years. They have two adult children and six grandchildren. Ms. Lucka has a thirty-year legal career and holds an Associate of Science degree in corporate paralegal studies. She also studied Interior Design.After retiring, Ms. Lucka's hobbies consisted of playing golf and lunch with the girls. She also volunteered for various meaningful causes in the Coachella Valley, including fundraisers for medical diseases, golfing events, music and film festivals, and art shows. Active in her community, she was involved with Neighborhood Watch, serving on special committees and volunteering in the two thousand presidential election and other local elections for the County of Riverside.Ms. Lucka's father served in the military. As a child, she and her family lived abroad without a television. She spent time playing outside, reading, writing, listening to music and singing, or playing an instrument to amuse herself. Imagination and creativity played a big part in her free time.