Stan White began life in Birmingham, England. He was an industrial photographer before coming to Canada in 1957 where he married and settled in Toronto working as a commercial and advertising photographer. In 1970 he joined Sheridan College as a teaching master and ran the studio for them for 20 years, teaching lighting and product illustration. After he retired in the early 1990s, he continued with a life-long interest in stereo photography, photographing avidly in and around Brantford. These photographs are now in the local archives. In cooperation with the Photographic Historical Society of Canada, he set up a library of information on stereo photography now housed in the Art Gallery of Ontario. Throughout his life, he has written non-fiction on various aspects of photography. In his 50s he began to write poetry and short stories. He has been published in local anthologies and has published several books of poetry, some in collaboration with other poets. As well he wrote a slim book on tabletop stereo imaging in 1970, Beyond the Third Dimension, published in the Netherlands and illustrated with ViewMaster reels. These days, for relaxation, and in the hopes of slowing down the inevitable aging, he plays the musical saw and the theremin, but keeps the windows closed. Visit his website: