Dr. Donald Ruhl is an organizational consultant specializing in not-for-profit organizations. In addition to his teaching experience in two-year and four-year colleges and in universities, Dr. Ruhl has more than thirty years of experience working in leadership positions in not-for-profit organizations. These experiences, along with his chairmanship and membership on a variety of not-for-profit boards, has given him on the firing line expertise to write The Observant Leader. Dr. Ruhl is Dean Emeritus of the College at Northern Essex Community College (Mass.) and the former President of Garrett Community College in Maryland. Dr. Ruhl served for fifteen years as the Executive Director and then President of the Greater Haverhill Chamber of Commerce in Massachusetts. Dr. Ruhl is the co-author, with Dr. Howard Brown, of the pioneering book, Breakthrough Management for Not-for-Profit Organizations: Beyond Survival in the 21st Century. Dr Arthur Levine, former President of Teachers College, Columbia University, said of the book, Brown and Ruhl have managed to produce an extraordinary volume that could become a new standard text both for individuals considering the not-for-profit field and those who are already professionals in the field. Dr. Ruhl is also the author of two other books: Survival Fundraising and The Happy Volunteer.