Over the past 30 years, Dr. Bonnie Haaland has taught sociology to teachers, bankers, and nurses, to new high school graduates, and senior undergraduates at Kwantlen Polytechnic University, the University of Regina, and the University of Western Ontario. Teaching introductory sociology as well as other undergraduate sociology courses, she has instructed classes with as many as 350 students and as few as nine, and has used various modes of instruction. Dr. Haaland was one of the first instructors at the University of Western Ontario to teach courses by using distance education technology, which simultaneously connected clusters of students in smaller cities and towns throughout southwestern Ontario. At Western, she later coordinated a program involving distance education, overseeing the delivery of courses in such fields as chemistry, nursing, psychology, anthropology, and English. During this time, Dr. Haaland was actively involved in research related to distance and continuing education, and presenting papers at conferences, such as the International Congress on Distance Education in Melbourne, Australia. Dr. Haaland is the author of Emma Goldman: Sexuality and the Impurity of the State; a co-author of Sociology: A Brief Introduction, First Canadian Edition, Census Update Edition, Second Canadian Edition, and Third Canadian Edition; and author of articles published in Canadian and U.S. academic journals. She is the recipient of the Canadian Association for University Continuing Education’s Award of Excellence for her article “In Pursuit of Self: The Values of the Post-War Baby Boom Generation and the Implications for Continuing Education.” Bonnie Haaland grew up in Saskatchewan and graduated from the University of Saskatchewan with a BA (with distinction) and a BA (Hons), from the University of Western Ontario with an MA, and from the University of Toronto with a PhD. She currently lives in South Surrey/White Rock, British Columbia.