Professor Barry Cox is head of the biology department at King's College, University of London. His specialty is mammal like reptiles, and he teaches vertebrate paleontology. His publications include Prehistoric Life Explained.Professor R. J. G. Savage is head of the geology department at the University of Bristol. Author of several books, including Mammal Evolution, he is among the world's foremost experts on mammal fossils.Professor Brian Gardiner teaches vertebrate paleontology at King's College, University of London. He is an expert on fossil fishes and amphibians, and advisor on paleontology to the Natural History Museum in London.Dr. Colin Harrison, an expert on bird zoology and paleontology, is the former principal scientific officer of ornithology at the British Museum (Natural History) in London.Dr. Douglas Palmer revised and updated this edition of the book. He was a senior lecturer in geology at Trinity College, Dublin, and now lectures on earth sciences for Cambridge University. He has written more than ten books on science, geology and prehistory, including The Atlas of Prehistory, and contributes regularly to Science, New Scientist and BBC Wildlife.