Maurice Todd was born August 16th, 1966 in the South Jamaica section of Queens, New York in a lower middle class family. Growing up he went on to encounter many of the pitfalls which the children of today face. Having been directly affected himself, he grew up to realize the role which traumatic experiences so often play in negatively impacting the growth and direction which children take in life. Consequently, he took it upon himself to address such issues while utilizing a literary platform. He wrote The Snotty nosed Kids and he penned it in a nursery rhyme format so as to not only maintain the attention span of today's children, but, so as to leave an indelible impression by way of melodic cadence and sharp witted wordplay. He set out to address the major issues of childhood depression due to various factors such as the loss of loved ones due to Covid as well as childhood bullying and the need for group acceptance. It was and remains his goal to give back to the community by way of educating the children. To have them realize the importance of nurturing and cultivating their dreams. As well provide resources and direction, with the hope that some child might benefit and that his or her life might be positively impacted.