The Author first started to swing a hammer at hot metal in 1984. His first work was done over a charcoal pit in the back yard, and was a pair of Athames for his wife.He became interested in the local blacksmith group and eventually became their newsletter editor for 6 years, where he improved his skills at description and writing.About 1995, his wife started sewing and designing fantasy and renaissance clothing to sell at local events.The Pagan community, in general, has a need for items hand forged within ritual workspace. Since that initial event, the forge has been taken to several events annually. At the ones that are Pagan, the forge is set up for Ritual Work. At the ones that are muggle, the forge is set up for Ritual Work, and those that know about it know; and the muggles walk through the booth unknowing. In our part of the world this is good.At this point, all Pagan items forged by Brigid's Forge are forged within ritual workspace, either at an event or at home. If you wish to learn more about hammering in ritual workspace, or blacksmithing in general, please look through this book and see if it contains the information that you are seeking. There are chapters which contain information on construction of several different types and styles of blades and Athames. If you can't find the information you are seeking, if you have the opportunity, talk to the author. He's the one standing by the forge.Both the author and his wife are Gardnerian Tradition Priests and Elders. They are also Initiates of the Unicorn Tradition