Vinicius Godoy is a computer graphics university professor at PUCPR. He started programming with C++ 18 years ago and ventured into the field of computer gaming and computer graphics 10 years ago. His former experience also includes working as an IT manager in document processing applications in Sinax, a company that focuses in BPM and ECM activities, building games and applications for Positivo Informatica, including building an augmented reality educational game exposed at CEBIT and network libraries for Siemens Enterprise Communications (Unify).
As part of his Master's degree research, he used Kinect, OpenNI, and OpenCV to recognize Brazilian sign language gestures. He is currently working with medical imaging systems for his PhD thesis. He was also a reviewer of the OpenNI Cookbook, Packt Publishing.
He is also a game development fan, having a popular site entirely dedicated to the field called Ponto V ( He is the cofounder of a startup company called Blackmuppet. His fields of interest includes image processing, Computer Vision, design patterns, and multithreaded applications.
Jan 22, 2016
Cover of OpenCV By Example

OpenCV By Example