Sara is a space-time traveler who grew up in a strange world void of modern luxuries like cell phones, hoverboards, or the worldwide web. Even so, Sara's childhood was rich, because she was a latchkey kid who did pretty much whatever she wanted. If she was hot, she jumped in the creek. If she wanted to fly, she swung through the forest on giant grapevines. One day, Sara brought slices of watermelon to her neighbors, and a visitor told her exciting stories about swimming with manta rays. Another day, a missionary at summer camp told Sara about a country shaped like a string bean called Chile. Sara listened intently, and she longed to see the world, too. Eventually, Sara found herself in a different dimension, where she kayaked over waterfalls in a tropical paradise, sped down Alpen ski slopes, and studied quantum physics. In 1999, while living in a city called Konstanz, Sara started writing a story about a girl she called Ivory. Somewhere along the way, Sara misplaced the original draft, so she started over and created yet another parallel universe. Merging the narratives of Ivory's adventures made Sara's brain hurt, so much so that she wanted to give up entirely. When life was toughest, Sara completed her quest to bring her characters to life. She encourages her readers to embrace their experiences, both the good and the bad, to create a better future, and to never stop dreaming.